Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 5 5/9/14

How To Combat Sugar Cravings
Try working in some fruit (preferably a low glycemic option like berries) with each meal. Additionally, use spices like cinnamon, coriander or nutmeg as well as splashes of lemon, lime or pomegranate juices to add naturally sweet flavor to your foods. Additionally, cinnamon, nuts and a chromium picolinate supplement all help stabilize blood sugar, which can help keep those dip-related cravings at bay.
Read The Full Article Here

Post Results From Friday To The Comments! It's only been 5 Days, now the work begins. Who will go all 4 weeks?


  1. B- same smoothie, 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 ~2oz sausages (ground turkey, apple, onion, spice)
    Was still hungry about a hour later so had another hard boiled egg and 1 sausage
    L- same salad with ~3oz smoked turkey
    S- bartlett pear, ~1oz smoked turkey, ~1 oz mixed raw almonds/cashews
    Post Wod- 1 scoop protein powder with 8 oz water
    D- ~4 oz chic, lots of veggies (was pretty hungry at this point) onion, red bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms. Chic/veggies mixed with garlic, curry seasoning and ~2oz unsweetened almond milk

  2. I'm hoping to make it thru but I was so close to having a margarita tonight. Just a tough couple of days but I stayed strong
    Breakfast- chicken sausage, peppers and onions
    Lunch- tomatoes, avacado and grilled chicken
    Dinner- blackened chicken with mango salsa, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots and brocolli
    Snacks was applesauce and blueberries

  3. water check
    breakfast banana almond butter, handful of turkey slices
    lunch garden salad with chicken, black coffee, big bunch of dark choc almonds
    snack apple, bacon jerky
    dinner chik sausage, peppers onions, avocado, banana chips

  4. Banana pre WOD
    Whey protein with 8oz water post WOD
    Breakfast: 3 eggs and bacon, strawberries
    Lunch: sliced turkey, mixed fruit, and carrots
    Snack: banana
    Dinner: Roasted beef tenderloin with fingerling potatoes and root veggies.
    Water mark hit.
    Great day at C3 today. I know there will be days when I cheat, but I'm really trying to make it through as many days clean as I can.

  5. B: 1/4 chocolate paleo granola, coffee with vanilla unsweetened almond milk
    L: mixed greens salad with cucumbers, carrots and grilled chicken with paleo ranch dressing
    S: banana post WOD protein shake- 1 scoop with ~8 oz water
    Dinner- grilled steak tips, sweet potato fries with paleo ketchup
    Drank 64 oz of water

  6. Missed all water
    Pork chop eggs
    Smoothie soup salad
    Banana nuts beef jerky pine apples
    Guacamole dukes

    1. Not all water missed by bat 16 oz

  7. first breakfast- protine powder mixed with almond milk
    second breakfast- 2 hard boiled eggs and an apple
    Lunch- left over paleo taco meat and fixings
    Dinner- we went to 99 restaurant- I got the balsamic grilled chicken with broccoli and a baked potato with bacon and chives
    dessert- some dark chocolate

    i did not get all my water yesterday :(

  8. 1 pt for Water
    B: 3 Eggs, 3 Bacon, apple
    L: Pork Roast, Veggies dipped in Guac
    D: 99 restaurant, I got a Strawberry Blueberry Chicken Salad, I am sure the dressing wasn't Paleo, but I got it on the side and didn't drench it, and didn't have the blue cheese that came on it.
    Desert two small Dark Chocolate Truffles (from Cape Cod Chocolatier)
