Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5th Day 1


1 Point for staying on track with the food, and entering what you eat for the day here in the comments.
1 Point For Hydration. Drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid oz. each day. (A 140lb person drinks 70 fluid oz. per day.) 

It is of course highly encouraged that you continue in a good routine of doing WODs on a regular basis, keeping up regular mobility and striving for 8+ hours of sleep at night, but the points for the challenge are centered around the food and hydration only. 

For the next 4 weeks use this blogs comments section to enter what you eat for the day. This is an opportunity to receive instant feedback from coaches and other knowledgeable members. Lets keep it friendly and honest. 

The cost is $30.00. We prefer to apply it to your regularly scheduled monthly payment. This is easier for us to tell who officially signed up and is eligible to win.

To Win.
There are 4 facets to winning. 
1. Following the nutrition and hydration and enter what you are eating on a daily basis. 

2. Take before and after pictures.

3. Take measurements of your waist just below the belly button, the circumference of your upper leg and upper arm, and your hips with the feet together. Try to measure at the largest points, and make sure you know exactly where you need to remeasure. 

4. Even though we are not counting your WOD points we are going to do some benchmark test and retest. It will also be helpful to note any prs you get along the way. 

The winner gets $200.00 cash money.

Ask all the questions you need to in the comments. Lets make this nutrition challenge a great success by using this site to the fullest! We wish you all the best over the next 4 weeks, we will be with you every step of the way!


  1. I'm in, but is there any helpful sites for food recommendations? I'm pretty sure the John Alden sandwich I just ate wasn't very Paleo since it was on bread with stuffing.

    1. Good question, Kevin I am going to link half a dozen sites that give advice on what to eat. Start at

    2. Mark can you email me your email address when you get a chance. I have couple of examples to send you.

    3. Thanks Kevin!

    4. Thanks. I will send it when I get home tonight. I just realized I ask you to email your email to me. It just sounds silly.

    5. Oh and I didn't realize the challenge technically started today so I did not eat accordingly by any stretch except for a couple of bananas throughout the day. I easily drank the water requirement. Of course tomorrow I have a tequila dinner so not sure how that will work, but starting Wednesday I'm totally on board:-)

  2. 1/2 my body weight in water done plus about 10 oz.
    Smoothie of 8 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 tsp cashew butter, 1 frozen banana and ~1tsp of cinnamon.
    2 hard-boiled eggs w/ salt
    Salad of ~2oz spinach/spring mix, ~2oz grape tomatoes, ~2oz cucumber, 1/2 an avocado, ~2-3oz of smoked turkey with homemade italian dressing (recipe: but I use 1/2 the olive oil it calls for. Lemon bar larabar.
    Snack: barlett pear
    4 oz chicken breast, ~2 oz each of onion, yellow bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms pan sauteed in ~1oz of olive oil, ~2oz of coconut aminos, ~1/2 tsp of sesame oil, garlic, garlic salt, pepper and ground ginger.
    15 mins of mobility work on legs/hips after the 3:30.

    1. Forgot also had 1 oz almonds and 1 oz cashew samples today

  3. If we have to be detailed as Bill - I'm out. Haha.
    Question - for the fluids - What else is OK besides water? Coffee, almond milk?

    Count me in for 1 point. Only had one meal today...
    Grilled Chicken, Sweet Pot, Broccoli. Water - Check.

    1. Haha, fair enough. That much detail is really just for me, hoping Sarah and the other coaches can tell what to tweak since she told me the more detail the more they can tweak.

    2. Bill, keep up the good, work I think you could add a little more protein to the breakfast and the salad. With the extra protein you may find you don't need the lara bar (really high in carb and cal.) Overall really nice day though.
      Bushy (sigh) you should eat AT LEAST 3 meals. that will keep you from wanting to turn into a food werewolf at night. The meal you did was fantastic.

  4. Not very detail oriented either but here goes...
    Breakfast- one egg and larabar
    snack- 1/2 cup cashews
    lunch- burger wrapped in lettuce with avacado
    Snack- larabar
    dinner- steak with mixed veggies
    106 oz of water
    did wod at firehouse

    1. Well done Erik. In my opinion you will see more rapid weight loss if you do something similar but that looks more like this:
      Breakfast: 3 eggs, 9 Almonds and 1 piece of fruit
      Snack: 1/8 cup cashews, 2 slices lunch meat, a cup of baby carrots
      Lunch: Same
      Snack: Post WOD protein and coconut water
      Dinner: Same
      Water: excellent

      That way you are getting the same levels of hydration, less carbs and fat, more protein and enough calories. If you are hungry at night just add another add a small snack similar to the one between breakfast and lunch that has a low glycemic carb before bed.

  5. I'm not officially doing the challenge! But I still want I be on the special blog!

    1. It would be great if you gave us some info on the approach you are taking on the zone! Welcome Erin!

  6. I'm in for the challenge!!!
    breakfast was 1 banana
    Snack was a handful of raw pecans
    Lunch if you could call it that was some romaine lettuce, grilled chicken and paleo ranch (I don't recommend trying to drive and eat a salad at the same time!) along with some baby carrots
    Afternoon snack consisted of many of the samples at the box today..yummy!
    Dinner: chicken fajita lettuce wraps with grilled chicken, grilled peppers and onions, guacamole and salsa and used iceberg for the wraps
    Drank 64 oz of water ( 1/2 my body weight)...that is going to be the tough part for because I definitely don't drink enough
    I definitely didn't eat normal today, had my last final for school from 11:30-2:30 and it threw my day off :-(

    1. Nice Job Shannah! Totally Paleo day. Way to get in the water, it's tough at first but after you get used to it you wonder how you got by on so little. Lunch and dinner were right on, I'm sure you were pressed for time at breakfast and a banana is not the norm. But all the same having the pecans with the banana and a couple of eggs would be a strong start to the day. Even better than the banana would be one serving of apple or orange, or whatever fruit you like (kiwi, mango,peach etc.) Bananas are really high in sugary carbs to eat solo, and no doubt you felt really hungry in no time.

  7. Day 1 and I spent half of it in the bathroom because I had 9 cups of water 1 cup cocoanut water 2 cups tea. Breakfast was grilled chicken with peppers and onions Lunch was a taco salad with guacamole. Dinner was stir fry chicken with onions peppers mushrooms and pineapple. I had 2 snacks. Applesauce with flax seed and a Lara bar

    1. Well done Ann, the frequent trips to the bathroom will subside as your body adjusts. The meals are very solid (assuming there was no corn chip or shell with the taco dish) Perhaps you could swap out the lara bar for a post workout drink based around protein.

  8. Also did 15 minutes mobility

  9. 7am apple sauce/ mix nuts
    9am 3 eggs w salsa salami
    11:30-green apple (small) almond butter
    1pmtuna salad w an egg
    Samples (2) at c3 @5:30
    7pm pork chop tomatoes roasted asparagus cooked w olive oil garlic salt- still working on fluid.... I wt my self today..... More Thani thought :/

    1. Nice job Carol, try getting yourself a nice water bottle you can drink throughout the day. It's easy to keep track that way throughout the day. I expect to see you on here everyday for the next 4 weeks!:)

  10. 1 point water (3L)
    Post wod: egg white protein shake w/water
    Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, 2 mini bell peppers, 4 strawberries
    Lunch: salad consisting of chicken, tomatoes, carrots, cuc, raddish, field greens w/ paleo avocado lime cilantro dressing
    Snack: handful almonds
    Dinner: 2 steak tips, repeat salad
    Snack: handful of frozen grapes, 1/4 c unsweetened natural applesauce

    1. Solid work Erin G. but everyone knows it takes way longer to get your dubs if you don't have any carbs with that post WOD shake;) At first glance my suggestion would be to switch the place of the almond snack and the last snack of the day. That way you can go to bed without the fruit carbohydrates so your body will go into more of a fat burning mode while you sleep. Some other tweaks would be just to look at combining Fat Protein and Carb even at snacks. That also means a little fat with breakfast (avacado on the eggs perhaps.) Then you may be able to skip one of the snacks if you make your morning or afternoon snack a little more of a mini meal. For example: apple, almonds and a little protein. Doing that and having the carbs with the post Shake will help you feel even energy and satiated all day.

    2. Thank you, this is great! The feedback is really helpful already!

  11. 120oz water
    Breakfast- 3 eggs & fruit smoothie w/ strawberries, blueberries, bananna & almond milk
    Lunch- Turkey wrapped cucumbers, carrots
    Snack- Lara bar & couple samples at gym
    Dinner- Chix & veg strir fry
    Snack- pistachios

    1. Try adding some protein your snack.

    2. I agree, also keep the nighttime snack carb free or low carb, this is helpful when it comes to weight loss. Do you do any Protein Carb Combo post WOD?

  12. Long day. Just got home.
    Bfast: 2 hard boiled eggs with a protein smoothie and 5 strawberries.
    Snack: Apple with cinnamon and 4 crushed walnuts.
    Lunch: big salad with chicken
    Snack: guacamole with 2 small cucumbers.
    Dinner: chicken one half sweet potatoe and a big salad. 88oz of water.

    1. I pulled a dan quake and spelled potato wrong. :)

    2. That was a funny spell check double whammy!
      I would say you are right on track with that menu, you could also get a little bit of protein in on the snacks, but it looks pretty solid!

  13. sorry for delay! may 5th 2014
    breakfast: naural applesauce 3 eggs (hard) 1 banana
    snack: none
    Lunch: tuna salad w/ 1/2 cucumber and olive oil. also had 1 mango
    snack: handful of pistachios
    dinner: pork chops green beans and asparagus
    question: the almond butter i have uses organcic unrefined pure cane sugar.. should i get a different one?
    i didnt quite get all my hydration, but i did drink 65ounces.

    1. Nice job Mr. Curtis. If I was going to tweak things a little bit, I would take the banana out at breakfast and instead have a little fat (like almond butter) with the eggs and apple sauce. Then at the snack between lunch and dinner make it a mini meal,maybe a little lunch meat, pistachios and an apple for example. Keep up the good work!
      Oh, and just finish that Jar and then try to get the next one without the added sugar.

  14. I got my water in yesterday, and for food:
    (I meant to post this yesterday...)
    Breakfast: Banana before the WOD then after the WOD I ate 3 Scrambled Eggs
    Lunch: Chicken, Lara Bar, Banana, Pear and Paleo Muffin
    Dinner: Pork Roast (Ask Haley for the recipe). I put Carrots and four or five small red potatoes under the roast (sweet potatoes don't do well in the slow cooker) I think I might have eaten one...

    I think I might have had some other sort of fruit for breakfast, but I don't really remember at this point.

    When I went to the 630 I samples some of the Paleo Naturals which was AMAZING! I highly suggest any of it!

    1. Thanks Chris. Lunch is what kind of jumps out at me. There are quite a few carbs there (not sure if the muffin has carbs also) If by lunch you are starving because you worked out at 6am, try 1. adding fat to breakfast. This can be as easy as a little guac on the eggs, and they'll taste better!
      2. Have a mini meal/snack between breakfast and lunch. Ideally this would have a little protein, a little carb, and a little fat.
      3. This is usually an individualized thing, but if you have enough carbs with dinner you may be able to workout in the morning on an empty stomach. That will give you some post WOD carb when you have that banana and working out on an empty stomach forces the body to use fat as an engergy source, rather than the available sugars in your stomach/blood stream.

  15. 5/5/14-
    first breakfast- paleo blueberry muffin and a banana
    second breakfast (bc i take my first meal break at work at 730am) 2 hard boiled eggs and an apple
    lunch- crockpot balsamic chicken thighs (ill give recipie if anyone wants it) and some salad and since my work was celebrating cinco de mayo i did indulge in a hand full of multigrain tortilla chips
    dinner- pork roast w/ potato and carrots
    snack- paleo naturals samples- so yummy!

    I drank 60 of my 75oz of water

    1. You will have to tell me about these muffins!:)
      You are a busy working mom so no matter what you get a huge pat on the back from me and big props for putting in the time and effort!!!
      I am sure that you are aware of the non-paleo nature of the chips:) But at least it wasn't nachos and margaritas! Little things like that will come up from time to time, it's good that you were able to just have a little and stay on track for the rest of the day.
      A little protein with the first breakfast and a little fat with the second breakfast would help level things out.
      Is the lunch salad just lettuce or is there more to it than that? You need some carb that time of day, was there some kind of a fat in the lunch?
      Dinner sounds yummy and it's really smart of you to make good use of the crock pot with your busy schedule. If you can sub out the potato for something like parsnip or one of the suggestions on the paleo recipe sites that would be a better choice than the potato which is really high in glycemic carbohydrate. Again great work, I hope that helps:)

  16. 1 point water, 3+ liters
    Pre-wod: 1/2 banana, 3 cups black coffee
    Post-wod: egg white protein shake with coconut milk (should have used coc. water, picked some up today) and 6 almonds
    Lunch: Gluten free meatballs w/marinara and 3 mini bell peppers
    Dinner: Salad and turkey tips

  17. 110 oz of water today! only needed 100
    breakfast: 3 eggs 2 full strips of bacon, 1 banana with almond butter 12 oz shake
    snack: mango banana smoothie (12 oz)
    lunch: chicken salad w/ broccoli, carrots, 2 eggs
    dinner: pork broccoli, sauteed onions. also had cucumbers with guacamole.

    1. this was supposed to be for day 2 ill just repost it.
