Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 11 5/15/14

Check out this brief video on Neuroplasticity. The science of how it is possible to change our mind. If we change our minds, we change our actions and/or habits. If we change our minds, and thought patterns, causing change in our actions and habits, over time we can change anything about our self we choose to change.

Post today's results to comments.


  1. crappy phone won't let me watch the video but i'll chase the link..sounds right up my alley
    water check
    b:strawberry, blueberry, blackberries with almond butter, coffee
    s:apple, 2 hardboiled eggs
    l:grilled chicken salad
    s:banana, almond butter, handful pistachios,
    d: hamburger, salsa, onions, peppers, carrots, pistachios

  2. B- smoothie (8oz almond milk, 1 banana, cashew butter) 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 ~2oz sausages (chicken, apple, onion, spices)
    L- salad w/ spring mix/spinach, tomato, cucs, 1/2 an avocado and~3oz smoked turkey, homemade paleo Italian dressing.
    S- Bartlett pear, 2 slices of smoked turkey, ~1oz mixed raw almonds and cashews
    Post WOD- ~8oz coconut water with 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    Dinner- Stuffed yellow bell pepper w/ ~6oz ground chicken, zucchini, yellow squash, mushroom and spices.
    water- check

  3. B- paleo cereal with blueberries and 3 pies if bacon
    L- salad with chicken and avacado
    S- lots of baby carrots and handful of pepitas
    D- lobster, peppers
    S- applesauce with flax seeds
    All my water, tea

    1. Opps. Not pies. Although bacon pie might not be so bad
      I had pieces of bacon

  4. 5/15
    Breakfast - eggs, bacon, and fruit
    Green tea black
    Snack - banana
    Lunch - chicken breast, romaine, almonds, and dried cranberries
    Snack - almonds and dried cranberries
    Whey with water
    Dinner - seasoned hamburger over romaine with sautéed peppers (daughter wanted tacos so I kind threw my dinner together)
    Plenty of water today

  5. B-pork chop avacado guacamole
    S-cukes guacamole lunch meat
    L-pork hop w sald
    S-banana lunch meat
    D-(got tricky) I was not that hungry so I did a plate do palo snacks- nuts peppers dipped w guacamole - olives- pickle
    Water check

    1. Haha, meals get weird sometime when we go for the healthy options, but good job today:)
