Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 16 5/20/14

Post Results To Comments:)


  1. grapes, blueberries, almond butter, coffee
    peppers, onions, lettuce, salsa, grilled chicken, guac
    carrots, guac dip
    baked chicken, brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash

    1. Matt I would love to see more protein throughout the day! Keep up the good work!

  2. All water, tea, coconut water in
    B- chicken meatballs, peppers and applesauce
    L- salad with mixed greens, cukes, peppers, apples, avacado and chicken
    D- paleo chili, carrots, pineapple
    S- apple with almond butter

  3. water-check
    B- smoothie (8 oz almond milk, almond butter, banana) 2 hard boiled eggs w/salt
    L- salad of spring mix/spinach, cucs, 1/4 of an avocado, ~2oz smoked turkey breast w/ paleo Italian dressing
    S- 4 handfuls of sunflower seeds (~70-80 seeds I'm guessing)
    Post WOD- 8oz coconut water w/ 1 scoop protein powder
    D- grape tomatoes, 1 hard boiled eggs w/ salt, larabar

    1. Bill your food looks well balanced but I would like to see you eating at least 2-3 times the amount of Protein.

  4. 5/20
    Breakfast - 3 eggs & bacon
    Snack - strawberries and blueberries
    Green tea black
    Lunch - mixed greens, strawberries, dried cranberries, almonds, sliced ham
    Snack - almonds and dried cranberries
    Whey protein shake after WOD with water
    Dinner - lime and herb chicken, sautéed peppers, guacamole, and mixed greens
    Water mark hit
