Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 7 5/11/14

Sugar Withdrawal
Respond to cravings with physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins in the body, which help to counteract the highs and lows associated with sugar withdrawal symptoms. If you're experiencing headaches or nausea because of sugar withdrawal, hitting the WOD or doing something physical may help to boost your energy and eliminate your symptoms through increased oxygenation to the body.

Post Results For Day 7 to the comments.


  1. Breakfast- paleo cereal with blueberries
    Lunch- coconut kefir with protein powder, banana and strawberries and chia seeds
    Dinner- salad, brocolli, peppers, snow peas, roast pork, apple sauce
    Snack- apple with almond butter

  2. water: check
    breakfast: eggs, sausage, avocado, banana, coffee
    snack: taco meat, guac
    lunch: grilled chicken, baby spinach, tomato salad
    snack: apple, peas in pod dipped in guac
    dinner: sausage, zucchini, half sweet potato
    snack: dark choc paleo brownie

    1. nice rebound from the wedding! see you at 12:00 tomorrow!

  3. B- smoothie (8 oz almond milk, 1 tsp cashew butter, 1/2 a banana, ~2oz mango, cinnamon). 3 eggs and a bartlet pear.
    L- 5oz canned tuna mixed with an avocado, banana, larabar
    D- 4 oz baked chicken and mixed sauteed veggies w/ ~2 tsp olive oil (onion, bell pepper, yellow squash, zucchini, mushroom)
    S- larabar

    1. Bill I would love to see more veggies, less fruit if you can.

  4. I just want to start off by saying today was torture but I fended off urges to eat donuts, bagels, panines, and the wonderful homemade fruit roll and lemon's hard not being at home
    B: 1 scrambled egg with a little coconut oil and salsa
    S: ~3 Oz cashews
    L: salad with romaine and tomatoes, olive oil, 2 thin slices pepperoni, 2 slices baked ham deli meat
    S: ~3 Oz cashews and dome go raw brand lemon super cookies
    Hydration check...drank 64 Oz water

    1. Please start eating more. You are making me hungry:)

    2. It was a rough day not being at home with my own's .days like these that make the nutrition challenge a struggle

  5. 5/11
    Mother's Day brunch included fruit, peppers, asparagus, eggs, bacon, sausage, beef tenderloin, mixed greens
    Snack: Pepperoni and a fruit cup (out and about all day)
    Dinner: steak tips and mixed greens with a side of asparagus
    Water mark hit
    Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day

    1. Oh and temptation was every where during brunch. Waffles, pastries, and desserts galore, but kept it simple and didn't indulge even though I really, really wanted too.

  6. Got all my water in, as for the rest of the day...
    Lets just say we made pale pancakes for breakfast and it quickly slid out of control from there...

    on the plus side the Pancakes were delicious!

  7. Late entry sorry- b- fruit smoothie prt powder l- chicken salad avocado bacon (so yummy) apple
    Mixed nutty

    All water
    Cumin chicken bok choy w garlic and olive oil guacamole plantain chips

  8. i'm still in this challenge, nobody panic.
    i ate right today. drank water.
    i know i can't win due to the lack of posting, but the stress was making me want candy and ice cream.
